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The Golden Rose-Croix – against-book synopsis

The Golden Rose-Croix   People say, that the devil hides himself in details.  And that the devil never sleeps. The highway to hell is with all good faith paved. Be on lookout, because the devil is the greatest actor. I wrote an essay from the book, which in the „actor” exists till the end of the human history. And not only in the details, but without sleeping, what’s more, in title role.


"People say, that the devil hides himself in details.


And that the devil never sleeps.


The highway to hell is with all good faith paved.


Be on lookout, because the devil is the greatest actor.


I wrote an essay from the book, which in the „actor” exists till the end of the human history.


And not only in the details, but without sleeping, what’s more, in title role."

Czike László


Silly, but it’s a lucky accident, as this luxury book came into my hands, to read it. Brown colour, as the leather skin, velvety touching dust, lasting binding, wich never fall to pieces, yellow pages as parchment, never would be crumpled and stick to each other – the writing and the sacral signs on the dust (for example the second „t” of „Testamen” it’s a double cross) are covered with gold.

In the centre of the dust you can see an oval graphic artwork, shining as photograph, which looks like an newborn demon or UFO-baby, in panties, in sitting-crying position. More stranger, that the book just in time has been mine, since yet warm, it comes out now from the press, to begin his sacral mission.

Because every book has an special life on his own. The thoughts of the writer they materialized in astral body, taking root and shooting up in the thoughts of the readers, to use influence on their actions later.

Every book has been written with hobby, with passion and with hidden motive. Therefore to make the thought-flow show an right lifestyle or just turn off from the right road. It’s books, which radiate overterrestrial optimism, and you can not put down, because the action is very captivating or the esthetic experience is very high. And it’s such books, from what it makes flesh creep on your back, the stomach it shakes up, and our mind wander in blind-dark numbing terror, and our runaway soul falls on everything what comes before, as an puppy in epileptical seizure. We reed through, as long as just that nightmare to the end goes.

This book, which has no price, but the value is yet priceless. People can not buy in the normal commerce, because this book has written just not for business -  making a profit -, but spread quasi a present of author’s soul. About this book I can not write an simple critique, but just a length essay, which gives at the same time the „checking account” of the synopsis, as in a sacral „debts/assets” accounting style.

The original book has written as an homogeneous, consistent history fiction, but with double intention, with hidden motive. The action and the content of the book mani­pulate every­one, the aftereffect is indefensible, if understand it, if not. But you must understand, to know, what have you read, and what could you lose, if without me you never understand this. But this book at that time manipulate you, manipulate your life too, if you don’t read through never, just put on the bookshelf without reading, between the others.  You will belong to somewhere, to the chosen someones, just because put this book on the shelf. Better will be done, if you knew, what is this book you have on your own! Don’t take home unknown kind of wild animals!

Testamen”, the book of the Hungarian Templar Grandmaster is rich illustrated with kinky, obscene and blasphem graphics. The dreadful action and content is very „exciting”… Mephisto, the one of the Satan’s incarnations pressures Leo­nardo da Vinci, the Grandmaster of the Order Priory of Sion, to perform  post­mortem the dead body of crucified Jesus Christ, in the avalaible 3 days. Da Vinci, the occasional examiner must find the hidden attribute, which will later induce the resurrection of Christ. So they would like prevent the resurrection, and the redemption, the plans of God. First of all I prepared an short extract from this original book, wich has been the leading principle of my unveil against-book. Then on this leading principle I built my against-book – title: The Golden Rose-Croix -, to brake into pieces all the evil motive of occult occasional examiners –„Pater noster, … fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra!”.



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